

I thoroughly enjoy the gift selection process when shopping for those closest to me and whom I know the best. Over the years – as we all have – I have gift shopped for romantic interests, family, best friends, and beloved colleagues. The occasions ranged from Christmas, birthdays, Mother’s and Father’s Day… You get the point.

As fun as it is to WOW someone with something lavish and expensive, the most touching reactions I’ve received have been when I’ve presented someone with something that connects us on a deeper level – A gift that reflects a personal knowing of taste, a key memory, or past shared experience.

Keep reading below for a list of what I consider thoughtful and inexpensive gifts for the special people in your life.


A playlist.

This one is a classic. Music can draw out strong memories and stir up heartwarming feelings of nostalgia. I’m about to date myself, but for me, it all began with burning mixed CDs for all my friends in high school. I lived for the challenge of narrowing down an (illegally downloaded) Limewire playlist to a hard twenty songs for a CD. I’m smiling just thinking about it. Thanks to Spotify, we can graduate to a more sophisticated playlist version that can now include many more songs.

There’s also nothing quite as romantic as the right playlist from (or to) your significant other. You can compile playlists for any mood, no matter how long you’ve been dating. Make them a workout playlist, a road trip playlist, or a soundtrack from all of your best memories together. It’s just plain sweet.


Need I say more? Just kidding, I will.

Food of any kind is incredibly comforting. Making someone dinner, breakfast, or surprising them with their favourite snack or treat in the middle of their workday will never go out of style. (Much easier to do while WFH). Satisfying a physical need like eating is a very nurturing act that delights everyone, including your pets. You don’t have to be a sensational chef to use food as a love language. I’ve discussed the benefits of meal kit services here if you’d like to feel like a chef but through a shortcut.

A handwritten letter.

Handwriting is very personal, and it allows you to think more thoroughly about what you’re writing down. You can go deep with what you appreciate about the person you are writing to. Letters demonstrate just how important the recipient is to the sender. It reflects that you took the time to slow down and put pen to paper, but it also communicates thoughts and feelings that the writer may not have been able to access if they were typing.

Paper is a tactile experience that will never be remotely replicated by digital writing. Books are still more popular than e-readers, and the feeling extends to letters versus texting as well. We interact with paper differently than we do with digital. We inherently know that no matter how much work might have gone into crafting and planning an email, or text message, it will never feel as careful, thoughtful, or heartfelt as a letter on paper.

A memory book

A photo album with the added touch of handwritten commentary can be a fascinating gift to receive. Give the recipient a trip down memory lane combined with your thoughts and feelings about why you love them nad your history together so much. In addition to photos and words, you can attach things like small pieces of clothing, souvenirs like ticket stubs, spray the pages with a particular perfume or anything else that would make it an experience for all the senses. You can simultaneously laugh, cry and feel warm and fuzzy inside while creating it and presenting it.

Recreating something from their childhood.

For this one, I can’t help but think about when Chandler got Joey’s girlfriend Cathy “The Velveteen Rabbit” for her birthday (For all you Friends fans out there). It was her favourite book as a child and it won Chandler some major points. A childhood toy, book, or framed photograph can stir up a myriad of emotions. You could also replicate a specific tradition or event from their childhood that holds special meaning. This gesture shows that you’ve been paying close attention when they speak of their past, and that is a feeling that can draw people much closer together than they already are.

A compilation of video messages from loved ones.

Get the Kleenex ready for this one. Compiling a video sequence with well wishes from friends and family worldwide is one of the most emotional experiences to give someone. It’s even more so if it’s a surprise and includes messages from people they haven’t connected with in ages. COVID has made everyone much more comfortable with being on video, so you would have more willing participants than two and a half years ago.

Taking care of their important errands.

You can’t put this one in a box, but the feeling it generates in the receiver can be equally if not more appreciated than an actual gift. Most people are busy with their lives, so it would be worth its weight in gold if you could help out your loved one by taking a chore or errand off their plate. Wash their car, do their laundry, or babysit their kids. Do it for more than one day and you would be well on your way to becoming one of their favourite people (if you aren’t already). Taking care of the mundane stuff and giving someone precious time off is a lovely gesture, and you don’t even need to wait for a special occasion to do it.

A plant.

If the recipient is a nature lover and a nurturer at heart, gifting them a plant is a perfect match. Plants last much longer than flowers, so your sentimental present will linger in the mind of your loved one longer as well. A flowering houseplant can live for several years and requires very little care. Plants are also good for your health and improve the air quality in the home – A gift that keeps on giving.

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