

Photo by pawel szvmanski on Unsplash

There is something to be said about an enchantment with the unknown. Various things could arouse this feeling—people with reticent personalities or deep-thinking minds, those utterly content with their own space, time, and company, or someone with a non-existent online, social media, or public presence. It could also be induced by curious new places, novel life experiences, or conversations where many things are left unsaid.

In any case, the air of mystery surrounding what’s mentioned above is never negative. Depending on your personality type and the situation at hand, sure, it could be frustrating at times if you aren’t getting the reaction or result that suits you or one that you were hoping for, but in most cases, the aura conveyed by the unrevealed typically leaves you wanting just a little bit more out of the subject, object, or individual.


Invites curiosity and desire to learn.

In today’s world, where almost everyone is trying to be seen and heard for positive or negative reasons, it’s refreshing to meet someone who doesn’t seem to care that much.

I think this may be the appeal surrounding young children or older people. The very young typically haven’t developed the communication skills or confidence that grow with age. They beguile you with their (mostly) quiet demeanours and innocent charm. The elderly have lived their share of life and can almost laugh at the rest of us in confident silence. Conversations with them are always so insightful, wise, and profound.

Getting to know the mysterious subject can be a long-term, intriguing process.

There is something to be said about what the youth are referring to as the Slow Burn. It’s the process of getting to know someone slowly over months and years rather than going all in too quickly. You also feel that much closer to them once you do get close. People who wait and observe before acting tend to be much more effective over the long term. Teresita Fernandez, the famous sculptor known to have mastered working with almost every material, said she grew up feeling like an outsider, even with her own family. However, she later used these observational skills to adapt and be successful in many areas of life.

It enhances what people do share.

I can think of a few people I’ve met over my lifetime who have had me hanging on to their every word. It doesn’t necessarily imply higher intelligence or heightened sophistication. In my opinion, those kinds of people respect themselves and others enough to choose their words and think before speaking.

It suggests quiet confidence and an effortless nature.

There is not much to say about this one except exactly what it says. Staying comfortably quiet and enduring what you believe may be an awkward silence conveys a social ease not to be taken for granted.

It develops and requires emotional composure and control.

This isn’t literally considered “mysterious,” but being non-reactive doesn’t get nearly enough credit. It can serve you endlessly in your private and public life. It’s true that not everything needs an opinion, comment, or reaction.

Increased privacy.

If you’re the introverted type, staying mostly off everyone’s radar can help improve your general life privacy. I understand that privacy these days can mean different things to different people. Not giving into normalized modern cultural habits, such as posting daily activities online or tweeting out your immediate thoughts, can be examples of initial steps you can take to lead a quiet and private life.


Thank you for taking the time to read this article. I hope what you have read has somehow educated, informed, or inspired you.

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